Colebrook Rally 7/29/11:
Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin held a rally at the Colebrook Country Club on the eve of his "Walk the Line" March. "Bulldog" Brian Tilton served as the Master of Ceremonies which was attended by a number of area residents and some were chosen by the emcee to speak to the crowd on updates of the opposition.
"Bulldog" does not endorse candidates and as stated at the rally, is willing to serve in a similar capacity for any other campaign that wishes to be active in opposing Northern Pass.
Larry Rappaport
State Rep. Larry Rappaport (R-Colebrook) is a member of the House Committee on Science, Technology and Energy and is the author of HB 648 that would ban eminent domain by public utilities for this type of project.
Julie Moran
Julie Moran is a resident of Colebrook and gave an update on the opposition movement.
Andy Martin
Republican Presidential Candidate Andy Martin spoke about opposing Northern Pass.
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