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Plymouth Meeting 10/23/12:
More than 120 attended a presentation sponsored by the No Northern Pass Coalition and Common Ground Environmental Club at Plymouth State University featuring John Bennett, Executive Director of Sierra Club Canada, to speak about large hydro-electricity in a presentation entitled “REAL GREEN ENERGY.”.

John Bennett
John Bennett, Executive Director of Sierra Club Canada gave an overview of what is large-scale hydro projects, exam ples of existing projects in Canada and a number of proposed projects and the negaztive impacts on the environment.

Q&A Session
Members of the audience were able to ask questions of John Bennet on a wide variety of issues. Note: questions will be difficult to hear.

Interview- John Bennett
Bulldog interviewed John Bennett immediately following the session to followup on the tar sands controversy and mercury poising from large scale hydro projects.

John Bennett, Executive Director, Sierra Club Canada

Audience in attendance in the Hage Room

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