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Public Scoping Meeting- Plymouth 3/18/11:
The U.S. Dept. of Energy held the second in a series of Public Scoping Meetings on the Northern Pass Project. They held their fifth one in Plymouth. There were approximately 670 in attendance.

Brian Mills
Brian Mills of the Dept. of Energy gave the opening remarks about how the process works, what they will consider from the testimony given, and the public comment periods.

John Radigan
Legal counsel for the Plymouth Board of Selectman.

Tom Thomson
Tom Thomson from Orford spoke about his property and how this will be a campaign issue in 2012.

Ralph Kirshner
Ralph Kirshner is chairman of the New Hampton Conservation Commission.

Jack Saunders
Jack Saunders of Holderness talks about putting the line underground.

Peter Martin
Peter Martin of Plymouth talked about which of us will get hurt and NIMBY.

Linda Bronson
Lnda Bronson of Wentworth asked for a study of migratory patterns of wildlife.

Blair Foltz
Blair Foltz of the Green Mountain Conservation Group.

Dominic Morracco
Dominic Morracco is the chair of the Plymouth Conservation Commission.

Tony Fitzherbert
Tony Fitzherbert of Campton mentioned how these lines will be within 500 feet of a school and responded to the woman who testified in Franklin that those who are seeking to block Northern Pass are selfish.

Ray D'Amante
Attorney Ray D'Amante of Concord talked about the alternative in Vermont.

Pam Martin
Pam Martin of Plymouth talked about burying the line and how many have been done so far.

Fred Brownson
Fred Brownson of Wentowrth spoke about the towers being terrorist targets.

Martha Richards
Martha Richards of Holderness talked about conservation and fighting to our last breath.

Dave Dobbins
Dave Dobbins of Gilford talked about Northern Pass' "unique opportunity in time" as well the original Transmission Service Agreement approved by FERC.

Darline King-Jenning
Darlene King-Jenning of Campton talked about real estate transactions that have fallen apart.

Michael O'Leary
Michael O'Leary of Holderness says you can't call this renewable power.

Ann Xavier
Ann Xavier of Plymouth talked about the possibility of this project polluting her well.

Annie Schneider
Annie Schneider of Plymouth says that PSNH should not try to read into us.

Chris Rooks
Chris Rooks of Holderness talked about local power biomass plants.

Tom Mullen
Tom Mullen of Campton sang a song "No Northern Pass"

Katie Rose
Katie Rose of Whitefield sang her song "Live Free or Die".

Ann Honeywell
Ann Honeywell of Holderness said the White Mountains are our national identity.

Shelagh Connelly
Shelagh Connelly of the Holderness Board of Selectmen.

Omer Ahern
Omer Ahern is a state representative from Plymouth and talked about the effect Northern Pass will have on local hydro projects.

Steve Rand
Steve Rand of Plymouth discussed burying the line and offered other alternatives.

Jeannie Forrester
Jeannie Forrester of Meredith is the State Senator from District 2 and opposes Northern Pass.

Janice Thompson
Janice Thompson of Wentworth had a question about alternate routes.

Michelle Vaughn
Michelle Vaughn of Thornton wondered if balloons were put up where the towers are proposed and a tour was given to show what it would look like.

Fred Fulver
Fred Fulver of Powell, ME has family property in Plymouth.

Joe Brown
Joe Brown urges people to contact their legislators.

Andrew Hancock
Andrew Hancock talked about property value abatements.

William Lafontane
William Lafontane was skeptical of the outcome of the hearings.

Scott Gray
Scott Gray of Holderness urged that the line go underground.

Neil Irvine
Neil Irvine of New Hampton talked about how NH exports power even after population growth. See chart.

Gordon Rowley
Gordon Rowley of Campton talked about towns' opposition to the project.

Roman Sewanki
Roman Sowenki of Thornton has retirement property near the proposed lines.

Peter Fowver
Peter Fowver of Freedom owns land in Plymouth and asked if this is all good policy?

Gretchen Draper
Gretchen Draper of New Hampton is not impressed with the flow of info from Northern Pass.

Kevin Seba
Kwvin Seba of Waterville Valley talked about politicians.

Barry Draper
Barry Draper of New Hampton talked about endangered species on his property.

James Paglici
James Paglici of Plymouth is an electrical contractor and says this is a crime against nature.

Bob Giuda
Bob Giuda of Warren is a former state rep who sponsored Article 12-a.

Claire Mobrey
Claire Mobrey of Holderness is concerned about organic farmers.

Dick Hage
Dick Hage of Plymouth talks about the miles of towers he will see.

Sally Fellows
Sally Fellows of Holderness asked about why was Franklin and Deerfield selected?

Gezila Estes
Gezila Estes of Plymouth talked about the many local power plants in Germany.

Sharon Penny
Sharon Penny is the Town Planner for the town of Plymouth said the town planning board needs to approve any other project.

Quinten Mack
Quinten Mack of Wentworth is a professional forester.

Laura McLaughlin
Laura McLaughlin of Plymouth asked questions about maintenance of the towers and Rights of Way.

Kenneth Stone
Kenneth Stone of Bristol appealed to politicians.

Margaret Mumford
Margaret Mumford of Plymouth talked about property poor residents.

Michael Leon
Michael Leon of Thornton had a question about the presidential permit and underwater projects.

Sarah Hazlet
Sarah Hazlet of Wentworth said there doesn't need to be any more human disasters.

Larry Mauchly
Larry Mauchly of Plymouth talked about solar panel being used elsewhere.

Tom Mullen
Tom Mullen of Campton got to speak a second time and talked about bank funding and the White Mountains.

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