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Public Scoping Meeting- Whitefield 9/25/13:
The U.S. Dept. of Energy held the third of a series of Public Scoping Meetings on the Northern Pass Project. They held their third one in Whitefield. There were approximately 350 in attendance.

Chris Lawrence
Electricity Policy Analyst in the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability at the Dept. of Energy gave an introduction to the process.

Brian Mills
Senior Planning Advisor, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability at the Dept. of Energy gave the opening remarks about how the process works, what they will consider from the testimony given, and the public comment periods.

Ray Burton
Executive Councilor says bury all of it or go home.

Paul Grenier
Supports Northern Pass. Mayor of Berlin says new route reduces impact of the project.

Ed Betz
Chair of the Whitefield Planning Board asks for burial.

Marcia Hammond
State Rep. says bury the line and no more towers in the White Mountain Nation Forest.

Brad Bailey
State Rep. says listen to the people.

Susan Ford
State Rep. from Easton talked about LCHIP and the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters.

Linda Lauer
State Rep. from Easton disputes the tax benefits claims.

John Colony
Member of the Sugar Hill Planning Board says there's no good reason for this.

Rebecca Brown
State Rep. talked about the North Country Council's opposition.

Margo Connors
Sugar Hill Selectman and member of the Conservation Commission.

Linda Massimilla
State Rep. from Littleton asks why can't they bury the line?

Cornelia Lawrenson
Resident of Sugar Hill Says they should respect our opinions.

Jessica Houle
8th grader in Littleton and talked about what she is learning her social studies class.

Evelyn Merrick
Resident of Lancaster and former state rep. tells DOE it's all about the money.

Jim Dannis
Resident of Dalton, member of Responsible Energy Action LLC talked about the greed of the project.

Linda Upperbornstein
Resident of Lancaster owns the farm once owned by the Weeks Family.

Susan Schibanoff
Resident of Easton, member of Responsible Energy Action LLC requested that DOE look at all the permits already denied on the same corridor.

Debi Warner
Resident of Littleton authored the North Country Economic Recovery Survey.

Dolly McPhaul
Resident of Sugar Hill says the DOE will have a big problem if this project is approved.

Dave Dobbins
Resident of Gilford says they should respect NH.

Nancy Martland
Resident of Sugar Hill says people should be respected and talked about protecting the WMNF.

Henrietta Moinot
Resident of Lancaster spelled out the dangers of the dangers of the project.

Rebecca Weeks Moore
Great granddaughter of Sen. John Weeks, author of the Weeks Act that created the WMNF.

Eliot Wesler
Resident of Whitefield is a former economist with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Katie Rose
Resident of Whitefield performed "Live Free or Die".

Frederick VonKarls
Psychologist talked about the effects on people in the Hudson Bay region.

Roy Stever
Chair of the Easton Conservation Commission says Northern Pass officials has refused to meet with them.

John Wilkenson
Resident of Lancaster talked about the flaws of using the existing ROW.

Kate Savage
Resident of Jefferson questions the legality of the alternate routes.

Frank Lombardi
Resident of Whitefield says transmission lines are a terrorist target.

Mark McCullock
Resident of Stratford. talked about Tom Wagner's friend's testimony in Plymouth.

Chelsey Peter
Resident of Stratford is a school teacher and talked about she teaches.

Ronnie Sandler
Resident of Easton says Northern Pass doesn't even pass the straight-faced test.

John Jones
Resident of N. Sutton says driving through Franconia Notch brought him to tears.

Charlie Duursema
Resident of Lancaster calls for burial.

Doug Eason
Travelled the country, but calls NH home.

Al Bouthillier
Supports Northern Pass. Owner of A.B. Logging favors the project as a logger.

David Atkinson
Supports Northern Pass. Resident of Lancaster helpoed run the Wassau Paper mill.

Chris Thayer
Resident of Sugar Hill talked about widening the ROW.

Robert Craven
Resident of Easton urges undergrounding.

Jan Eddict
Resident of Littleton is concerned about loss of property values.

Judy Weisenber
Resident of Sugar Hill talked about why people come to NH.

Andrew Smith
Resident of Franconia is owner of Peabody & Smith Realty.

Carl Martland
Resident of Sugar Hill advocates burial.

Paul Hasslinger
Resident of Lancaster is a former executive in a Fortune 500 company.

Judy Sealy
Resident of Bethlehem is a member of the Profile School Board and spoke on behalf of the board.

Jim Ramsdell
Resident of Dalton tried selling his house but never got in offer in two years.

David Hill
Resident of Lancaster talked about the approach to the White Mountain Regional Airport.

Linda Brownson
Vice President of the NH Association of Conservation Districts.

Sherry Knerim
Resident of Sanbornton has property that abuts I-93 and lost her tree buffer.

Barbara Enderson
Asks why wouldn't the jobs be there for underground?

Art Hammond
Resident of Whitefield says burial is not new technology.

Terry Lovekin
Resident of Whitefield read portion of "Places" by Marylyn Ray of S. Danbury, NH.

Doug Evelyn
Resident of Sugar Hill talked about the WMNF.

Howard Mitz
Resident of Sugar Hill talked about the large people attending.

Margaret Seymour
Resident of Littleton is a selectman and member of the Ammonoosic Conservation Trust.

Sandy Berquist
Talked about the signifigance of the color orange.

Hawk Metheny
Appalachian Trail Conservancy.

Carol Columbe
Resident of Clarksville is a landowner who has lost value.

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