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Site Evaluation Committee Session- Londonderry 1/13/16:
The NH Site Evaluation Committee held its Northern Pass post application session for Rockingham County at Londonderry High School on January 13, 2016. This is the second of five sessions to be held, one in each county where the line is proposed to run through.

Full Audio
This is the full, unedited session audio. This includes the SEC overview, presentation by Northern Pass, questions and public comment.

Mike Iacopino
Attorney Mike Iacopino gave an extensive overview of the Site Evaluation Committee process.

Bill Quinlan
Eversource President and CEO Bill Quinlan gave an overview of the project.

Question and Answer portion with questions regarding Site Evaluation process answered by Mike Iacopino, Power Purchase Agreement answered by Bill Quinlan, claimed impacts on rates as well as process on being an intervenor.

Q&A- Applicant 1
Question and Answer portion with questions regarding obselate structure replacements, How many of the jobs are NH jobs and environmental impacts quantities.

Q&A- Applicant 2
Question and Answer portion with questions regarding claims that buring the line would cost $1 billion more. Can Eversource produce the signed Power Purchase Agreement? If so, where can I find it in the application to the Site Evaluation Committee,? Burying the power line on I-93, Sobie Pond project, why is Northern Pass petitioning to be a "public utility", will costs be passed down to consumers, Deerfield simulations.

Q&A- Applicant 3
Question and Answer portion with questions regarding jobs claims, economic claims about cos6t savings to ratepayers, affect on state GDP, tax assessments, revenue to Eversource.

Q&A- SEC 2
Question and Answer portion with questions regarding burying the line,

Q&A- Applicant 4
Question and Answer portion with questions regarding routes, poles and towers.

Q&A- Applicant 5
Question and Answer portion with questions regarding various subject matter: health and safety regarding megnetic fields, why was Londonderry the site of tonight's session, historic resources, will only Eversource customers benefit?

Mike Iacopino
Attorney Mike Iacopino gave an overview of the public comment portion of the session what happens with the comments that are made.

Andrew Robertson
Selectman Andrew Robertson of Deerfield spoke in opposition and discussed the town's warrant articles opposing Northern Pass.

Tiler Eaton
Tiler Eaton of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers spoke in support of the ptoject.

Claude Levesque
Claude Levesque of Deerfield, an electrical lineman, supports Northern Pass.

Joe Casey
Joe Casey of Rochester, NH Building and Trades Council President for IBEW Local 490, supports Northern Pass.

Lynn Woodard
Lynn Woodard of Concord spoke in opposition citing health and safety concerns about tower fall zones.

Jeanne Menard
Jeanne Menard of Deerfield spoke in opposition to Northern Pass and spoke of the history of the ROW in her town.

Michael Speltz
Michael Speltz of Londonderry asked the SEC to consider precision and accuracy.

Peter Lion
Peter Lion of Deerfield asked for burial of the line.

Erick Berglund
Erick Berglund of Deerfield talked about claims of the line not costing anyone. He pointed out the cost to the environment.

Rebecca Harris
Rebecca Harris of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in Boston spoke about ensuring that historic properties need to receive a thorough review.

Neil Hitter
Neil Hitter expressed his concerns about the aggressive nature of Northern Pass and failure to understand the values of the North Country.

Suzanne Steele
Suzanne Steele of Deerfield opposes Northern Pass.

Bill Saunders
Bill Saunders of Barrington spoke in favor of Northern Pass wants to see more jobs in NH.

Eric Porter
Eric Porter spoke in favor of Northern Pass doesn't understand why anyone opposes the newest version of the proposal.

Bill Powers
Bill Powers of IBEW Local 104 supports Northern Pass talking about small businesses.

Laura Bonk
Laura Bonk opposes Northern Pass and spoke about the dramatic impact the project would have on Bear Brook State Park.

Wrapup by Mike Iacopino
At the conclusion of the session, Mike Iacopino wrapped up the session with a reminder about becoming an intervenor, upcoming sessions, acceptance of written comments as well as website information.

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